Thursday 1 January 2015 0 comments


Liburan Akhir Tahun memang terbilang singkat, hanya berkisar dua minggu bagi para siswa siswi yang masih duduk dibangku SLTA ataupun SMP, namun liburan yang hanya dua Minggu ini terbilang singkat jika kalian pergi merayakan Liburan dengan Keluaraga dengan Keluar Kota ataupun pergi Berekreasi. 
namun jika hanya duduk berdiam diri dirumah, tentu terasa lama dan membosankan.

Berikut adalah Rekomendasi film-film untuk mengisi waktu luang dengan Menonton film yang Tayang dari Tahun 2014. 
sebelum anda mendownload film-film dibawah ini, ada baiknya jika kalian mengecek Trailer film tersebut di Youtube terlebih dahulu, agar tidak mengecewakan.
jika teman/ kerabat anda menyarankan satu film, ada baiknya jika anda melihat dulu Rating film tersebut jika film tersebut memiliki rating tinggi, tentu saja film tersebut masuk dalam kategori bagus dan layak untuk di download, langkah berikutnya ada baiknya jika kalian mengecek summary film tersebut ke Wikipedia atau IMDB untuk sekedar mencari informasi apakah jenis film tersebut masuk dalam genre film yang akan anda tonton. 

Namun ada kalanya Rating tidak menjamin film tersebut bagus atau tidak.
seperti pengalaman saya yang sudah-sudah.
Jadi,,,, ada baiknya jika melihat trailer tersebut apakah sesuai dengan Mood anda untuk menonton, baru kemudian Donwload, jadi anda tidak terkesan seperti membeli kucing dalam karung!

1. Step up All in. 
Untuk kalian yang suka dengan Modern Dance pasti sudah tidak asing dengan Film2 Step up, film ini menceritakan tentang sekelompok anak muda yang mendedikasikan hidupnya untuk menari dan mengikuti lomba Dance disuatu Kota. 

2. Boyhood. 
PRLM - Film "Boyhood", yang mengikuti kehidupan satu keluarga fiktif lebih dari 12 tahun, digambarkan sebagai salah satu yang paling menggemparkan dan film unik tahun ini.

3. Edge Of Tomorrow
"Edge of Tomorrow" diadaptasi dari novel Jepang karya Hiroshi Sakurazaka yang menceritakan kisah seorang tentara militer masa depan bernama Bill Cage (Tom Cruise). Bill yang harus mengulang terus-menerus hari terakhir dimana ia meninggal dunia. Pada saat dia bertempur ia bertemu dengan prajurit wanita bernama Rita Vrataski (Emily Blunt). Rita kemudian menyuruh Bill untuk menemuinya saat terbangun kembali setelah mati untuk kesekian kalinya. Rita menjelaskan bahwa ia juga pernah mengalami fenomena aneh yang dirasakan Bill tersebut. Rita kemudian meminta Bill untuk berlatih tempur bersamanya setiap kali terbangun demi sebuah misi penting. -

4. The Giver
The Giver mengisahkan tentang dunia yang sempurna, semua orang yang tinggal didalamnya merasa senang, semuanya tampak ideal, dimana tidak ada tempat untuk rasa Sedih ataupun susah. 
ketika jonas terpilih sebagai "penerima memori" dia masuk kedalam pelatihan bersama pria tua yang berjuluk "The Giver". darisinilah semua konflik berawal. 

5. The Maze Runner
Sejak saya melihat Trailer Film ini di Bloomberg tv beberapa waktu lalu, film ini sudah menarik perhatian saya, karena dalam beberapa tahun terakhir Film-film bergenre seperti ini mengusung wanita sebagai pemeran utama, seperti Divergent, Hunger Games namun kali ini Maze Runner mengusung Pria sebagai Tokoh utamanya, dan menurut saya ini sangat menarik dan patut untuk dijadikan rekomendasi film yang layak untuk mengisi waktu liburan. 


Wednesday 31 December 2014 0 comments

5 Lagu Barat Slow Enak buat Tidur?

Susah tidur?
engga tau musti ngapain?
Coba deh dengerin lagu2 ini...
Bukan cuma Melodinya yang Bikin Rileks, tapi juga Liriknya yang Ya ampun keren.. 
So, Check this out!

  • Half A Heart - One Direction. (Liriknya tentang seorang Cowok yang belum bisa Move on dari pacarnya, well, galau sih.. tapi lagu galau memang bagus buat penghantar tidur lol, bikin nangis dan akhirnya ngantuk deh)
  • Back To December - Taylor Swift ( Masih sama dengan yang diatas, initinya Doi Nyesel) 
  • Nigh Changes - One Direction ( Nah, Lagu ini keren banget, lagu dari Album terbarunya One Direction yang Asik Buat jadi pengantar tidur, Sangat Direkomendasikan).
  • Begin Again ( Lagu yang satu ini lagu Favorite ane Gan, lagu ini dari album Red punya Taylor Swift yang paling ane Suka). 
  • Soldier - Before you Exit ( Gan, lagu ini ya ampun keren banget, ane jarang sih dengerin lagu2 Before you Exit, tapi lagu yang satu ini Ajiiib. 
Thursday 15 May 2014 0 comments

Ize of the World - The Strokes (2006)

C. Ize of the World - The Strokes (2006) 

For the first time when we read this lyrics, it's confusing to characterize this song into the theories that we have learned before, its pretty tricky to say weather it is suitable in jameson's or adorno's theory. We are digging more information from the internet about this song, and here we are,
' Your mind would wander and search 
 For its place in the night. 
Your body followed this feeling like following light.
Once that your music was born it followed you 'round'

it looks like You're lost, searching for your place in the world, and this feeling it could be your desire in something that you trying to get.
Our favorite parts is in
An egg to fertilize,A pulse to stabilize,
A child to criticize,
Young adults to modernize,
Citizens to terrorize,
Generations to desensitize'
It Looks like the life of modern society, all the things that we do because of society's expectations. Like having children, get a job, the way of teeneger that living in modern era, the term 'Citizen to terrorize' we think that because of terorism that happened when this song's made, or it could be that war still happened, and in some countries that the resident have to struggling to live in peace, or it could be the citizen is the victim of the capitalist
"Are we... are we done?" 
A desk to organize,
A product to advertise, 
A market to monopolize, 
Movie stars to idolize, 
Leaders to scandalize,
Enemies to neutralize, 
No time to apologize, 
Fury to tranquilize, 
Weapons to synchronize, 
Cities to vaporize'. 
Those lyrics showed what capitalist did in this world, They can do anything for more, more and more income. They can change anything into benefit for their income., and it's scary knowing the capitalist's power, that getting stronger, and what they can do in economic system in general.
  • Based on our Understanding, the most suitable theory to this song is Adorno's theory, For Adorno, modern art is negative on different levels, and it is good to have negative thingking to opposite the real world, and art is the way to critiques the society. His theory also can be used to criticize the socio-Economic problem, like in this song.

Song analysys ' Smash It Up - International Noise Conspiracy (2000)'

B. Smash It Up - International Noise Conspiracy (2000)
Based on our understanding about this song is, this is criticize the ruling class or the capitalist,
we will take some examples that we think showed the best part to support our argument to classify this song to the theory we have learned before about marxism.
' i want to smash it up for all the workers who spent hours into nothing'
'i want to smash it up for all the kids who, who got fucked up just like their parents did'
'i want to smash it up, the gods and masters who made us die so much faster'
'i want to smash it up for all the people and for our right to be, to be treated equal'
it is a hope, This band wanted the capitalist treated the workers in a good way, criticize how the labour worked into the company or the factories and they didn't get what they deserve, how the kids will just follow their parents life, seem that they have no choice about their future life, how the masters or in this case is capitalist made us die faster, it might be how the capitalist treated the workers, all they want is just work, work and work, but let's get back to the first line ' The workers who spent hours into nothing' the capitalist wanted the workers work hard for them but they didn't pay the workers in a good way, in other words they did not get enough salary.

  • The conclusion is, Based on our understanding, the most suitable theory to explain this song is Caudwell's theory, because the theme is Anti Capitalism, The theme of caudwell's theory usually Anti capitalism or pro capitalism, the purpose is to Build up the spirit among the working class, or the society. And this song's purpose is to build up the spirit among the working class people, and tell to the world that people are equal, just because you are rich or noble man, doesn't mean you are better than The others, you should have to treat the others in a good way, no matter where she/he comes from.


Common People By Pulp, 'song analysis'

A. The Pulp ' Common People'

The first Thing that comes in our mind when we saw the lyrics, without see the Video is, we do not know where's the band from, and the only clue is this song talks about a woman and a man that came from different background, from the lyrics the woman is not from working class people, she might be came from Ruling class family, because she thinks that being poor is cool,
'I want to live like common people,
I want to do whatever common people do,
I want to sleep with common people,
I want to sleep with common people like you'.
After watched the video, we got more clue, when they were went to the supermarket, there is an Old Lady wore pink hat, our Next Guessing is the Old lady Represented Queen Elizabeth, and this band is from England, we are lack of Information, and trying to get more information from the internet and that's true, the pulp is English band.
The man doesn't know why but he took the woman to the supermarket, he said pretend you've got no money, she just laughed and said, 'Oh you're so funny'.
Based in our understanding, the reason why this man took her to the supermarket because the supermarket is the place where the wealth and poor meet. They are buying stuff in there, and it is a good place to start when the woman wanna live with common people and do whatever common people do. Then the man replied,
' You'll never live like common people,
you'll never do what common people do,
you'll never fail like common people,
you'll never watch your life slide out of view,
and dance and drink and screw, because there's nothing else to do. This is enough to explain the woman's life, she is from wealthy family, she doesn't have to concern about her life, about her future, she will never fail like the common people, her life's already set up, all she needs just to follow the line, unlike the common people that have to struggling with their life, and work hard for the better life in the future.

  • This song is very Tricky, actually we still need more information to characterize this song to the Theory that we have learned about Marxism.
Based on our understanding, Georg Lucacs's theory about Reflection theory is the most suitable theory that fits in this song, because its reflected the social condition and contradiction in the society that we already know. Like the wealth family tend to get whatever they want, unlike the working class people that have to struggling to get what they want, and the poor people never get the same chance as the ruling class people.

Thursday 13 March 2014 0 comments

The best Love song Ever :DD

Mencari lagu sedih yang enak didengar? berikut adalah beberapa saran untuk menjadi acuan anda, dijamin lagu lagu dibawah ini layak masuk dalam Playlist anda jika anda sedang mencari lagu romantis yang enak didengar.

1. Half A heart - One direction
2. You and I - One Direction
3. Bo Go ship da
4. It has To be You - Yesung
5. Enchanted - Taylor swift
6. Little Things - One Direction
7. Misletoe - Justin Bieber
8. If i were a Boy - Beyonce
9. when i was your man - Bruno mars
10. Thinking Of You - Katty Perry

Monday 9 December 2013 0 comments

Listening Task For Replacment class!!!

1. after listened to this link, i tried to answer the questions,  here my answer for those questions:

1. Sovia's favorite food is
 a) roast chicken      b) steak         c) prawn pitza

2) Linda's favorite food is
a) steak                      b) roast chicken           c) soup

3) Alberto's favorite food is
 a) soup                      b) steak                          c) grilled fish
4) Sofia's favorite drink is
a) beer               b) red wine                  c) fruit juice
5) Linda's favorite drink is
a) red wine                  b) banana milk shake                   c) milk
6) Alberto's favorite drink is
 a) mineral writer           b) fruit juice                   c) banana milk shake
7) I prefer red wine
a) than white wine             b) or white one                   c) to white one
8) Mike: I prefer coffee to tea
a) So do I                 b) I do too                       c) So am I

9) Susan : I am hungry
Mike :......................
 a) So I am     b) So am I           c) Me too
10) Mike : I can't cook
a) I can't neither                  b) Neither I can              c) Neither can I
11) Mike : I don't like tomato soup
Susan: .....................................
a) I don't neither              b) Neither I do                c) I don't either
12) Mike : I prefer soup to salad
Susan : Oh, I................
a) am not                            b) don't                        c) can not
13) Susan : She doesn't like paella
Linda : Really? I ...............
a) do                      b) don't to               c) am too
14) Susan : I would rather have ice cream than chocklat cake
Linda : Oh. I ........................
 a) I do too               b) I would too      sc) I would

2. video Bookstore Shopping from Randal's ESL Listening Cyber Labon after listen to randal, i tried to answer the question, and this is the result for multiple choice, i listen to it twice before answer the question:

3. audio College Scholarship from Randal's ESL Listening Cyber Lab on on
 this is my result on multiple choice, i listen to it only once:

okay, now you can see my result, and hope you enjoy the tasks as much i enjoy it when i did it :)